Commersons's dolphin database Wiki


Sex Female
ID NOA0000951
Date of Birth 1976
Date of Capture December 1978
Place of Capture Argentina
Date of Death July 26, 1981
Place of Death Mystic Aquarium
Mother Wild
Father Wild

Carmelita was captured in December 1978 for Sunshine International Aquarium alongside two unnamed females and Don Juan. She and the others never reached Sunshine International Aquarium, however, as they were intercepted by the US National Marine Fisheries Service at JFK Airport, where one dolphin was found dead and the other three in poor health. The surviving three were sent to Mystic Aquarium for emergency care, but Carmelita was the only one to survive more than 10 days. She sustained severe damage to her spinal column, and for much her life, Carmelita swam with the assistance of her pectoral fins. Later, in 1979, Carmelita was diagnosed with a candidiasis infection, but this never escalated into anything serious. Carmelita lived alone at Mystic Aquarium until her death by pneumonia on July 26, 1981.
